Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Executive Experience

So, this must be an example of Governor Palin's extensive executive experience, as she adroitly handles the meeting of the Wasilla City Council in 1996. This is truly impotent, oh, I mean, imPORtant.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Perfect Piper?

I know that Piper Palin is just as cute as her mom - everyone says so. A lot of folks proclaim that she is their favorite - probably because she has not yet reached the age of reason.
I don't know, though - I've had doubts all along. As the youngest daughter in a high-profile family, I 've seen signs of spoiled little princess all along. Believe me, I don't blame the child; she didn't exactly choose her birth order or her family circumstances, but her parents may be looking toward a whole handful of trouble down the pike. Note this:
Where did she learn that?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

So, Governor Palin, what is it with the dropped g's? Is it some sort of protest, or an attempt to seem more accessible? Why do you seem to have an aversion to actually pronouncing all the letters in the words you use? Are you ashamed of your education? Of your language?

Is this misuse of the American language some sort of statement denying your intellect, because to be educated is to be dangerous, somehow? What is that all about?

In reality, I am frankly offended by your intentional misuse of my language. What kind of message are you sending to your own children when you insist on deliberately misusing the language handed down by your forbears and carefully tended by generations of literate Americans? What is so cool about deliberately dumbing down your own communication skills?

I am seriously considering sending a letter home to your parents encouraging them to spend more time having conversations with you, in the hope of improving your usage and encouraging your recreational reading.