Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I just found this in my drafts (22 February). Not sure why I didn't post it originally, so I'm going to throw it out there now.

Alaskans showed their true cowardice in this election. What a bunch of weenies. All over the rest of the country, Americans took a chance. They looked around and saw that things are not right and they took a chance on a charismatic young man who had the gumption to say, "Yes, we CAN."

Alaskans, on the other hand, acted like a bunch of provincials. We take the US dole, we want the US attention, but when the US asks us to act like grownups we thumb our noses and stick out our tongues and say, "We don't need to pay any attention to you because we're better than you are."

What a crock. It takes, "We don't give a damn how they do it outside," to a whole new level. And that isn't UP to a whole new level.

I had a brief visit with MLB tonight when, across the generation, we shared the realization that, when Michele Obama made that comment about being proud of America for the first time, each of us had understood what she said, and tonight, each of us FELT what she had felt.