So, it was a pretty big day for me. Wrote my first convention resolution, and got it passed, unanimously, by the 32nd Biennial Alaska AFL-CIO convention. I'm feeling very American at the moment; like, I made a difference. Of course, it's just a resolution, but they liked it; they really LIKED it. I may try it again....
Then watched Obama's acceptance speech and felt some hope for this campaign. He actually went after McCain some - not enough, but some.
There was a moment when I realized what an historic campaign this really is, and how important it is for the US. The Obama family had a few moments alone together on the stage and I looked at them and realized, fully, for the first time, that they are a black family. I hadn't really thought about it before, but there they were; the center of attention, beautiful and smart and successful and not white and headed for the White House, and I thought about how hopeful it is that it's happening in my lifetime. When I was born, segregation was still the law of the land in a lot of places, and racism has been the norm my entire life. It gives me real hope to see progress, and I try not to think about all those people who will not be able to vote for him just because of the color of his skin. I look, instead, to all the people who don't care, or don't notice, or are thrilled. And I decided to just enjoy the moment and worry about the backlash when it actually happens. It is just more special to know that he accepted the nomination on the 45th anniversary of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech; a speech that FX witnessed in person as a child. Nice brackets. Good day. Good night.